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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Berbeda Sudut Pandang: Mengapa Kita Tidak Selalu Sepaham?

Have you ever argued with a friend or family member about something, and each of you felt you were right? When you think about it, it could be that both of you are right, just looking at it from different perspectives.

What is Point of View? 

Perspective is like a lens through which we see the world. Each person has their own "glasses" formed from their experiences, background, education, and values. Therefore, one event can be interpreted in different ways by different people.

Examples of Differences in Point of View

Heavy rain
  1. A farmer who is planting rice will be grateful because the rain can fertilize his plants.
  2. A motorcyclist who was in a hurry was annoyed because the rain was hindering his journey.
  3. A small child is actually happy because he can play in the rain.

Strict vs. Fierce Boss

  1. Employees who like discipline will see a firm boss as a professional leader.
  2. A relaxed employee may feel that the boss is too strict and rigid.
  3. While other employees may see him as a fair and responsible figure.

Why Should We Respect Different Points of View? 

Because differences are natural. If everyone thought the same, the world would be boring! Respecting other people's points of view can also make us wiser, more open, and less easily provoked. Sometimes, trying to see things from another perspective can help us find better solutions.

How to Deal with Differences in Viewpoints

  1. Listen first, don't jump to conclusions. Sometimes, we jump to conclusions too quickly without understanding the other person's point of view.

  2. Don't force your opinion. Everyone has their own way of thinking, and forcing something can actually cause conflict.

  3. Learn from differences. Sometimes, a different perspective can provide new insights that we hadn't thought of before.

  4. Keep it cool. Don't agree? No problem! The important thing is to respect each other.

In the end, differences in perspective are not something to be debated endlessly. In fact, by understanding and appreciating other people's ways of thinking, we can live more peacefully and harmoniously. Come on, learn to be more open and see the world from various sides! 😊

Dulu saya punya teman ngobrol yang selalu punya sudut pandang berbeda dengan saya. Tapi saya tidak pernah  berdebat atau kesal dengannya karena tidak sepaham. Justru saya betah berteman dengannya dan kami awet awet saja berteman sekian lama. Anehnya, seringkali saya selalu melihat dari sudut pandang positif dan dia sebaliknya sudut pandang negatif. Tapi hal itu justru memperkaya wawasan sih. Saya jadi tahu sudut pandang yang lain dan saya tidak menyalahkannya karena sudut pandang dia benar juga. Kita saling menerima. 

Jadi, Sobat, jangan keburu marah, kesal, ngomel-ngomel kalau orang lain tak sepaham denganmu. Terima, telaah dulu, pahami... dan jadilah seorang yang bijak dalam menyikapi sesuatu hal. 


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