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Showing posts with label Manga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Manga. Show all posts

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Densha Otoko

12/20/2008 07:52:00 PM 0 Comments
Densha Otoko alias Train Man ini mengisahkan bagaimana seorang cowok kuper mengejar cintanya pada seorang gadis cantik dan bergaya hidup mewah. Pertemuan awal mereka adalah sang cowok menolong si cewek di kereta lantaran diganggu oleh seorang pemabuk. Semenjak saat itu, sang cewek mengirimi mug bertuliskan Hermes...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Team Medical Dragon

12/18/2008 09:03:00 PM 2 Comments
By Reana Team Medical Dragon mengisahkan tentang seorang pria bernama Ryutaro menjalani profesinya sebagai dokter jenius spesialis bedah dada dan jantung di sebuah rumah sakit. Bagaimanakah ia bertahan dengan keidealisannya di tengah orang-orang yang berani mengorbankan apapun termasuk pasien sendiri untuk mencapai...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Psychometrist Eiji

12/17/2008 09:49:00 PM 6 Comments
By Reana Komik dewasa terbitan Level Comics khusus Indonesia ini bercerita tentang seorang remaja SMA yang punya kekuatan khusus yang dalam istilah psikologi disebut psikometri. Kekuatan itu muncul setiap kali ia menyentuh benda atau manusia. Karena pada saat itu ia bisa melihat kejadian masa lampau yang berkaitan...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Death Note Manga

5/20/2008 05:35:00 PM 0 Comments
Death Note manga by Tsugumi Ohba and artwork by Takeshi Obata is a hit manga that is very cool I think. I enjoy the movie and the anime version. Although there are some differences between the movie and the manga but it doesn't change the main plot. The movie version is ended by Light Yagami's death, a different way...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Black Swindler (Kurosagi)

4/30/2008 11:04:00 AM
There are two kinds of swindler who swind the innocent people without feeling. They are called shirosagi and akasagi. And then what is kurosagi?  Kurosagi manga is first published in 2004 by Shogakukan Inc, Tokyo. But when I went to a big bookstore in Jakarta, I only found the first chapter. And when I read...


4/30/2008 11:03:00 AM
By Reana What is Dandelion?It is a complex virus program that always transform. Greatly, the infected area is not machine but human heart. How come? Who is the creator? Who are the victims? What is the purpose? Just read the manga to know the answer! Dandelion manga by OCHIAI Naoyuki is first published in 2001 by...