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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Rukun Iman in English

Di posting sebelumnya kita sudah belajar istilah rukun islam dalam bahasa Inggris. Nah, tak lengkap kalau kita tidak membahas juga tentang rukun iman. Rukun iman dalam bahasa Inggris disebut Six Articles of Faith.

Rukun Iman = Six Articles of Faith

Keenam rukun iman tersebut apa saja? Kamu pasti sudah tahu ya. Tapi fokus kita di sini adalah belajar bahasa Inggris dalam materi islam. Rukun iman yaitu beriman kepada :

1. One God (Allah) -- satu tuhan yakni Allah

The central belief in Islam, and arguably the most important theme of Islam, is that there is one God. The Muslim name for God is "Allah," which is Arabic for "the (al) God (Ilah)."

2. The angels of God -- Malaikat-malaikat Allah

Angels are a creation of God. They are purely spiritual and splendid beings that require no food or drink or sleep. They have no physical desires or material needs. Like other creations of God, Angels spend their time worshiping God. In contrast to human beings, Angels do not have free Will – they can only obey God and do not have the ability to disobey Him. Each Angel is charged with a certain duty. Angels cannot be seen by the naked eyes.

Angels in Islam are spiritual creatures that serve the purposes of Allah. They are messengers who relay communication to people and carry out other responsibilities. Angels, such as Gabriel (thought to be the same Gabriel as the one read about in the Christian New Testament), is mentioned in the Quran. Angels are often found in Islam art, revealing their importance to the Islamic worldview.

worshipping = menyembah
free will = kemauan bebas (kehendak sendiri)
spiritual creatures = makhluk gaib (roh)
Angel Gabriel = Malaikat Jibril
New Testament = Kitabnya orang kristen Perjanjian Baru

3. The books of God, especially the Qur'an -- Kitab-kitab Allah khususnya Al Quran

A Muslim believes in all scriptures and revelations of God, as they were complete and in their original versions. Muslims believe in the original scriptures that were given to previous messengers; for example David received the Psalms, Moses the Torah and Jesus the Gospel (Injeel). However, the previous scriptures do not exist today in the original form in which they were revealed.

The Quran is the most important writing in the religion of Islam and is the highest authority in both religious and legal matters. The word "Quran" means "recitation" in Arabic. Muslims believe the Quran to be an errorless record of the angel Gabriel's revelations to Muhammad, from 610 until his death in 632 AD. It is also believed to be a perfect copy of a Quran that has existed eternally in paradise.

scripture = kitab suci
revelation = wahyu
David = Nabi Daud
Psalms = Kitab Zabur
Torah = Kitab Taurat
Gospel (Injeel) = Kitab Injil

4. The prophets and Messengers of God -- Para Nabi dan Rosul Allah

A Muslim believes in all the Messengers and Prophets of God without any discrimination. All messengers were mortals, human beings, endowed with Divine revelations and appointed by God to teach mankind. The Holy Quran mentions the names of 25 messengers and prophets and states that there are others. These include Adam, the first Prophet, along with Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, the last of the Prophets (peace be upon them all). The key message brought by all Prophets was the same: to believe in One God and not to associate partners with Him, to stay away from sins and to lead a life devoted to earning God’s pleasure.

Muhammad is the most important historical and theological figure in Islam. His name, which means "highly praised," reflects this. Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570 AD. His father died before he was born and his mother died when he was six-years-old. Muhammad was then raised primarily by his uncle, for whom he worked as a shepherd.

Divine = Ilahi
Noah = Nabi Nuh
Abraham = Nabi Ibrahim
Ishmael = Nabi Ismail
Isaac = Nabi Ishaq
Moses = Nabi Musa
Mecca = Mekah
Sheperd = penggembala kambing

5. The Day of Judgment (or the afterlife) -- Hari Perhitungan Amal

The afterlife is very important to the Islamic worldview. Muslims believe in the continued existence of the soul and a transformed physical existence after death. Islam teaches that there will be a day of judgment when all humans will be divided between the eternal destinations of Paradise and Hell.

afterlife = kehidupan setelah mati (akhirat)

6. The supremacy of God's will (or predestination) -- Qoda dan Qodar

Islam teaches that God not only foreknows, but also foreordains all that comes to pass in the world and in the lives of individuals. 

A Muslim believes in the ultimate Knowledge and Power of God to plan and execute His plans. God is Wise, Just, and Loving, and whatever He does must have a good motive, although we may fail sometimes to understand it fully. The believer should have strong faith in God, recognizing that their own knowledge is limited and their thinking is based on individual consideration. In contrast, the Knowledge of God is limitless and He plans on a universal basis. Humans should think, plan and make sound choices and then put their trust in God. If things happen as they want they should praise God. If things do not happen as they want they should still praise God, recognizing that He knows best what is good for the affairs of mankind.

foreknow = mengetahui sebelumnya
foreordain = menentukan sebelumnya

Kalimat terakhir yang saya garisbawahi, saya suka kalimat itu. Benar sekali sebagai manusia, seringkali saya gagal memahami sepenuhnya bahwa Allah pasti memiliki motif yang baik (tujuan/maksud yang baik) kenapa sesuatu terjadi kepada saya. Karena rencana Allah itu tak mungkin meleset. 

Ok. Selamat belajar. Semoga bermanfaat.

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