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Sunday, February 18, 2018

Good Night Story 1 - Cerita Anak/Dongeng Sebelum Tidur

Siapa yang dulu kala sewaktu kecil dibacakan dongeng sebelum tidur? Ayo angkat tangan! Yuk nostalgia. Senang tidak mengingat masa kecil seperti itu? Setelah dewasa begini, jadi kangen dengan masa-masa itu tidak?

Beruntung buat kamu yang punya masa-masa bahagia semasa kecil. Masa itu tidak akan pernah terulang. Dan masa itu akan terus melekat dalam ingatan kita hingga menua karena ingatan semasa kecil laksana mengukir di atas batu. Jika kita tidak sempat merasakan hal indah itu, mari kita ciptakan untuk anak-anak kita nanti di masa mendatang. :)

Sebulan yang lalu, tepatnya 16 Januari 2018 saya mendapat sebuah good night story (baca: cerita sebelum tidur) dari seseorang. Hmm, aneh juga ya sudah sebesar ini mendapat good night story. Hihi.

OK. Mari kita nilai dari effort-nya bukan dari ceritanya. :)

Simak yuk!

Once upon a time there was a young good hearted woman named Good Girl. She was very lonely and thought she might stay alone forever. One day she was walking down the street and there was a young boy selling breads on the street. She wasn't hungry but felt sad about the boy's poorness. So she bought all his breads.

She wanted to walk further. But than a sport car stopped nearby. From the car came a male in a very expensive suit. He came closer touched the boy on the head and said to him, "Thank you little brother".

The little boy laughed and went into the car. So the rich male talked to the girl.

"Hello Miss, I was watching you from around the corner. My little brother was selling breads. You came and did buy all of his breads. So you have a very good heart."

He asked the girl for her telephone number, kissed her hand and went smiling into the car.

Hmm. Bagaimana readers? Lumayan kan? :)


Credit to Georgi Mandajiev


  1. Wah, ada aja ya pengalaman Rela buat diceritakan. Sip!

    1. Hehe iya nih baru kepikiran sih. Sayang kalau hilang begitu aja. Mending tulis di sini :)


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