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Showing posts with label english. Show all posts
Showing posts with label english. Show all posts

Friday, March 9, 2018

Apakah Kamu Seorang Pack Rats?

3/09/2018 10:33:00 PM 0 Comments
Hari ini saya mendapat istilah baru yang ingin saya bagi ke kalian. Apakah itu? Pack Rats! Dalam pengertian sebenarnya, pack rats memang sejenis tikus ya. Tapi dalam istilah yang ingin saya bahas di sini pack rats adalah sebutan untuk tipikal orang-orang yang suka menyimpan barang misalkan saja majalah selama bertahun-tahun.

Kalau kamu adalah tipe yang begitu selesai membaca atau pun tidak lama setelah membaca maka majalah itu akan kamu buang atau berikan ke orang lain, maka kamu bukan pack rat.

Saya sendiri adalah tipe pack rat. Saya suka menyimpan barang-barang sampai bertahun-tahun apalagi kalau itu adalah buku. Paling-paling ibu saya yang pada akhirnya membumihanguskan barang-barang saya seperti buku-buku jaman SD-SMA dulu. Yang tersisa tinggal buku-buku jaman kuliah. Rasanya sayang begitu kalau harus membuang buku-buku saya. Saya punya keinginan mempunyai perpustakaan sendiri di rumah. *make a wish*

Kalau kamu bagaimana? Apakah kamu pack rats?

Monday, February 12, 2018

English Conversation Strategy #11: Anyway

2/12/2018 07:00:00 PM 0 Comments

You can use Anyway to change the topic of a conversation.
You can also use Anyway to end a conversation.

Anyway dapat digunakan pada dua kondisi yaitu:
1. untuk mengganti topik pembicaraan
2. untuk mengakhiri pembicaraan


A. How was Ryan's party last weekend?
B. Good. He cooked some great food. Anyway, do you still want to go out tonight?

A. Let's go camping together one weekend.
B. That sounds nice. Anyway, call me later, and we can talk about it.

In conversation, Anyway is one of the top 300 words.

Source: Touchstone

English Conversation Strategy #12: Or...?

2/12/2018 07:00:00 PM 0 Comments

You can use or...? at the end of yes-no questions to make them less direct.

Kamu bisa menggunakan or...? di akhir kalimat yes-no questions untuk memberi kesan tidak terlalu to the point atau langsung.


A. Would you like to go out or...?
B. Well, I just want a sandwich or something.

A. Do you go out for lunch every day or...?
B. Well, I usually bring my lunch, but today I didn't.

In conversation,  or...? is one of the top 50 words.

Source: Touchstone

English Conversation Strategy #10: You did?

2/12/2018 06:54:00 PM 0 Comments

You did? digunakan untuk menyatakan ketertarikan atau keterkejutan atau hanya sebagai tanda bahwa kamu sedang mendengarkan lawan bicaramu.

You did? bisa kamu pahami dari tense-nya merupakan past tense alias bentuk lampau (kata kerja kedua). Sehingga dari sini kamu tahu bahwa You did? digunakan ketika kamu merespons cerita dari lawan bicaramu yang merupakan cerita lampau (yang sudah berlalu).


A. I passed my final exam.
B. You did?

A. I had a nice, relaxing day at the beach last weekend.
B. You did? Did you go swimming?
A. No, but I went snorkling...

In conversation, you can also say Did you? to show that you're listening.

Source: Touchstone

English Conversation Strategy #9: Like

2/12/2018 06:53:00 PM 0 Comments

Like bisa digunakan untuk memberikan contoh. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, like di sini diartikan sebagai "seperti."


You can put sprinkles on things like ice cream and cake.

In conversation, Like is one of the top 15 words.
It has other meanings:
I like Italian food.
What's South Korea like?
Sprinkles are like sugar.

Source: Touchstone

English Conversation Strategy #8: Conversation Sounds

2/12/2018 12:26:00 PM 0 Comments

Uh-huh means "Yes," "That's right," or "I'm listening."
Oh shows you're surprised, happy, or angry.
Uh-huh bisa berarti ya, itu benar, atau pertanda bahwa kamu sedang mendengarkan lawan bicaramu. Sementara Oh merupakan reaksi terhadap lawan bicara yang menunjukkan bahwa kamu terkejut, gembira atau marah.


A. I have to go shopping this weekend.
B. Uh-huh
A. I want to buy a new camera.
B. Oh, cool!

A. You have some money with you, right?
B. Let's see... I have about ten dollars.
A. Oh, good! Can I borrow 5 dollars?
B. Oh, not again!

Source: Touchstone

English Conversation Strategy #7: That's...

2/12/2018 12:25:00 PM 0 Comments

That's... digunakan sebagai reaksi terhadap suatu berita yang didengar dari lawan bicara.


A. I'm here for a month.
B. That's great!

A. Our team isn't playing well this season.
B. Oh, that's too bad.

In conversation, the top expressions for good news are:
That's good / great / nice / interesting / cool / wonderful.

The top expressions for bad news are:
Oh, that's too bad / terrible.

Source: Touchstone

English Conversation Strategy #6: Right and I Know

2/12/2018 12:15:00 PM 0 Comments

Kamu bisa menggunakan RIGHT atau I KNOW ketika kamu setuju dengan pendapat seseorang atau sebagai tanda bahwa kamu sedang mendengarkan lawan bicaramu.


A. It has some great restaurants.
B. Yeah, I know.
A. Right. But they're expensive.

In conversation, RIGHT is one of the top 50 words, and KNOW is one of the top 20 words.

Source: Touchstone

English Conversation Strategy #5 : I Mean

2/12/2018 12:13:00 PM 0 Comments

Kamu bisa menggunakan I MEAN ketika kamu ingin mengulang ide atau menyampaikan lebih banyak mengenai sesuatu.


A. Where do you go? I mean, do you go somewhere nice?
B. Do you know Mart's? It's OK. I mean, the food's good,...

A. Do you ever go out after class?
B. Well, not very often. I mean, I usually go straight home.

In conversation, I MEAN is one of the top 15 expressions.

Source: Touchstone

English Conversation Strategy #4: Well

2/12/2018 12:12:00 PM 0 Comments

Well digunakan ketika kamu membutuhkan waktu untuk berpikir atau apabila kalimat jawabanmu lebih dari sekedar ya atau tidak.


A. Are you from China?
B. Well, I'm from China originally...

A. Do you see your family a lot?
B. Well, not really. They dont live around here.

Source: Touchstone

English Conversation Strategy #3: Really?

2/12/2018 12:01:00 AM 0 Comments

Strategi kali ini adalah penggunaan kata Really? untuk menyatakan ketertarikan akan sesuatu atau keterkejutan.


A. He's a singer.
B. Really?

A. What's your name?
B. Rihanna
A. Really? My best friend's name is Rihanna.

Source: Touchstone

Sunday, February 11, 2018

English Conversation Strategy #2: Common Expressions and Responses

2/11/2018 12:08:00 AM 0 Comments

Hari ini kita masuk ke bahasan kedua untuk conversation strategy yaitu Common expressions and responses. Di sini kita belajar bagaimana cara merespons ketika mendengar seseorang mengucapkan ungkapan  thank you dan I'm sorry sebagai berikut:

When People Say...You can say...
Thank you.You're welcome.
I'm sorry.That's OK.
I'm sorry. I don't know.That's OK. Thanks anyway.

Mari kita lihat beberapa contoh percakapan berikut ini:

A. You're late.
B. I'm sorry.
A. That's OK.

A. Can I borrow your book, please?
B. Sure.
A. Thanks.
B. You're welcome.

A. What's the word for this?
B. I don't know. Sorry.
A. That's OK. What about this?
B. I don't know.
A. OK. Thanks anyway.

Bagaimana teman-teman? Cukup mudahkan? :)

Source: Touchstone

Saturday, February 10, 2018

English Conversation Strategy #1: Everyday Expression

2/10/2018 06:04:00 PM 0 Comments

Beberapa posting ke depan, saya akan mencoba berbagi mengenai conversation strategy plus buat kamu yang ingin belajar conversation. Sebagai pembuka alias bahasan pertama, saya akan mengulas tentang everyday expression.

Everyday expression berupa ungkapan yang sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Ungkapan-ungkapan tersebut cukup populer dan kamu semua pasti sudah sering menggunakan atau mendengar. Di antaranya adalah sebagai berikut:

More FormalLess Formal
Thank you.Thanks.
How are you?How are you doing?
I'm fine.OK. / Pretty good. / Good.
Good-bye.Bye. / See you. / See you later.

Pada kolom sebelah kiri merupakan ungkapan yang lebih resmi (more formal). Sementara kolom sebelah kanan adalah ungkapan yang kurang resmi (less formal). Kemungkinan besar yang banyak kita pelajari selama ini di bangku sekolah adalah kolom sebelah kiri. Betul?

Sementara kolom sebelah kanan akan sering kamu jumpai dalam percakapan sehari-hari yang sifatnya tidak formal. Untuk menyatakan apa kabar misal, ketika saya chatting keseringan saya mendapat pesan, "Hi", "How are you doing?" 

In conversation, YEAH is 10 times more common than YES.

Sekian sharing dari saya hari ini. Sampai jumpa strategi yang berikutnya! :)

Source: Touchstone

Monday, August 7, 2017

Bahasa Inggris Mabuk Perjalanan

8/07/2017 04:03:00 PM 1 Comments

Hai sobat! Gegara hari ini saya melakukan perjalanan ke Bengkulu Kota dan merasakan mabuk, saya terinspirasi membuat posting ini.

Saya duduk di belakang, lalu ada penumpang wanita duduk di depan saya. Wow semerbak parfumnya langsung membuat saya pening. Saya tutup hidung sepanjang perjalanan dengan jilbab. Wah, ini saya mabuk. 

Ini bukan pertama kali saya mabuk perjalanan gara-gara parfum orang. Entah parfum atau cologne yang dipakai. Semerbak di awal lalu berubah bau seiring waktu berjalan. 

Lalu saya kepikiran, bahasa inggrisnya mabuk perjalanan apa ya. Setelah saya googling, ternyata bahasa inggris-nya motion sickness. 


Monday, March 6, 2017

I am Looking Forward to vs I Look Forward to

3/06/2017 03:34:00 AM 0 Comments

Hai Sobat! Kali ini saya bahas sedikit tentang looking forward to vs look forward to. Sama tidak sih sebenarnya? Sekilas sama tapi penggunaannya berbeda. Grammarnya juga sudah beda ya.

Gara-gara apa jadi bahas ini? Biasa sobat, percakapan.

Dia: Maybe in a month or so will be ready.
Saya: Ok. I am looking forward to it.
Dia: Me too

Setelah itu kok saya jadi tidak pede benar tidak saya pakai i am looking forward to it. Tapi dia balas me too berarti benar. Jadilah cek kamus.

Looking forward to

Looking forward to something is to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen. Istilah bahasa Indonesianya tak sabar menunggu.

Looking forward to + v-ing 
I am looking forward to seeing you.

Looking forward to + noun
I am looking forward to my holiday

Look forward to

Look forward to (v-ing) is formal used at the end of a formal letter to say you hope to hear from or see someone soon or that you expect something from them.

Ex: I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Look forward to digunakan biasanya di surat resmi sebagai kalimat akhir. Sering baca kan?

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Arti Bon Appetit

3/05/2017 07:37:00 AM 6 Comments

Baru saja saya cek tablet eh ternyata ada pesan masuk. 

Dia: What ru doing?
Saya: Just cooking a meal.
Dia: Bon appetit

Bon appetit apaan ya, pikir saya. Kalimat ini familiar sekali tapi saya tak tahu artinya. Bau-bau bahasa Perancis kan. Soalnya saya tak tertarik bahasa Perancis jadi cuek. Okelah kali ini saya penasaran jadi saya cek di kamus.

Bon appetit is a phrase, originally from French, meaning "good appetite" said to someone who is about to eat, meaning "I hope you enjoy your food"

Oh ternyata ada di kamus bahasa Inggris Cambridge sobat. Bon appetit memang asalnya bahasa Perancis tapi sudah diserap jadi ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris. Artinya dalam bahasa Inggris adalah I hope you enjoy your food alias selamat menikmati.

Tambah pelajaran nih buat saya. Hehe. Ya ampun ke mana saja saya selama ini. :)


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Talk about Soulmate (English version)

3/01/2017 01:20:00 PM 0 Comments

Meeting the soulmate is kinds of way. By natural way or not, is not important issues as long as the final result is meeting the soulmate. By natural way or not, it depends on human as well. And indeed there are certain people that God gives convenience. The meeting way is really destiny talk. Yes, the lucky people got it. But for others, God gives the exam in order to set an example for the others.
It is true that mate in the hands of God. But people must try, people who pick and choose, remain God blesses or not.

It was the words of my old office mate's wife. Yes, an advice may be more appropriate. Because she saw me still enjoyed being a single, why not married yet. If I have not met my soulmate then what to do? Where it is the nature of women waiting. I'm also not the aggressive type. And all my life, no man dared to approach me. If any, they backed off on their own. I feel have not met the right. And indeed as I recollect I was not ready as well (yet). I also reflect on why hard to meet the right. Not looking for that perfect because I myself was not perfect. But I do not know why it is difficult to accept someone. Why? Because I am not convinced by that person. Therefore true a woman is a conquest.

I need someone who can conquer me.
I want to meet my soulmate in a natural way. Met by itself. It has to be patient (extra) if you want a natural way (except the ones who are lucky the way is easy). I believe that my soulmate is there. He is exist somewhere in this world. It just has not met. I do not know he is anywhere in the world. Not necessarily in Indonesia also just because I was in Indonesia. In fact up to 9 years I have been working I have not met him, Indonesian guy and in Indonesia. I was also surprised and felt strange. What's so wrong with me?
So I expand my mind. Could be he (soulmate) is not in Indonesia so we do not see the intersection. If only I were looking for but he did not or not, it does not meet the convergence or can be met but need a longer time. Vice versa, if only he were looking for. Well, if we're both looking for the possibility of meeting each other will be faster. Logic, right?
And we should have the same search criteria. Suppose i am a good woman looking for a good man. And he is a good man looking for a good woman. Well, we match. Meet. Following the term Ippho Santosa, both have deserved. So, if one is worth 9 and the other looking at the value 7, then the value of which 7 still not deserve coupled with the value 9. Therefore, the value of which 7 must befit himself so so 9. By doing so, equally worthy right? No more excuses for not compatible each other, right? Our soul mate is sekufu (balance). I pondered. My poor, or he is still not good? I'm not yet ready or he is not ready? I found the answer later when I met him. One time I attended a meeting with the Secretary (Regional Secretary) represent my boss at the Municipal a couple years ago, I chatted lightly (chit-chat) with one of the department heads. The frequently asked questions (and required) is my status. I just tell the truth. He said, "How come five years of working here not meet anyone." Anyone, huh? Yes I can ... Why not? That was reality. I experienced it. Nothing is impossible. Was I sad and offended? No! I was not such that kind. :) From the beginning I pray that I wish to be met in a way that is beautiful and easy, in a beautiful place and a wonderful person. 3W 1H (who when where and how). I want everything paced beautifully, right? Frankly I do not want to carelessly pick someone because I think I have to watch myself to him one and so he should. Although over time, thought it was so little faded. My thinking became more open, not that locked. I mean, if someone ever made mistakes in the past but still at the threshold limit can still be forgiven, let's go! But if I can not forgive, I can not accept him. Still idealistic? Yes, of course! Lowering standards for some of the things that are not so principle, not be a problem. But for certain things I keep in my principles. It's my life. The following snippet of my chat with a muslim man. He: Any relationship? Any men? Any boy fr? I: No He: Good. I am glad. But why? I: No one likes me She: But you are beautiful Me: I just havent found the right one He: Inshaallah you will get married to your husband. Dont worry. It's written. Me: Yes, I believe He: Good. You are smart now. (And I am a bit angry, mean before I did not smart even though I knew he was joking) :( He: Good. So, you wait for meeting your destiny

In one afternoon, I was crying after prayers. I pondered. As strong as what I was to wait. The wait was a test well for me as a woman. Am I strong enough?

A man has to be brave enough. A woman has to be strong enough to wait.
I cried pondering that sentence. Am I strong enough? For almost a half of my lifespan I wait for him, but when i think i am ready, i still have to wait for him again. It's hard. But yes, I have spent my whole years passed without him. So, I know I can. I think soulmate is someone who can make me feel confident to give myself to him all my life. There is no doubt. And he is someone who I believe will make me happy with him and certainly can make me fall in love. With him, I can become a better person.
Meeting the soulmate is instantly clicks like the meeting padlock key. Can instantly comfortable (there is magnet) such as is already known for years when only too familiar with. Direct met the chemistry. We are attracted to each other. That kind of feeling is so amazing. It feels strange but it happens. Am I too much? So far, that's what I look for in a man. And I found it there in .... (answer after him later). During the search process I'm sure if someone was not good for me (not my soulmate) God will make him backs off somehow. They will disappear by themselves one by one. And he who still persisted no matter what setbacks, maybe he is the right one for me. I believe he who is brave and keeps standing there no matter what the obstacles, he is someone I could respect with all my life. And I felt bad that I was reunited with the wrong people before finally reunited with the correct figure (read: my soulmate). And the lessons that I learned from the wrong people that God wanted me to always take a lesson so that I am ready and strong when meeting the right and face the reality of life. And the learning process was not a moment for the life lesson. Who knows the challenges of life will be heavier so need to be prepared physically and mentally.
It's because He loves me. He cares about me. He never fails in everything. But me, as a human being often fail to understand His plans to me.
written February 21, 2017

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Ketika Kamu Dipanggil 'Missy'

2/26/2017 08:08:00 PM 0 Comments

Ada yang pernah dipanggil missy? Hmm, memang saya kurang gaul ya sobat. Saya tahunya missy itu Missy Elliot. Kalau ini sih kalian juga tahu ya. 

Sebenarnya saya posting ini gegara ada yang panggil missy sewaktu berkirim pesan tapi saya tak paham. Duh, memang kurang gaul. It was the first time. Kalau dipanggil miss mah sudah sering. Lagipula kalau miss kan formal dan populer. Hmm, jadi buka google translate deh saya karena penasaran. Makanya saya ingin sharing ke sobat pembaca blog saya. Semoga sobat tidak seperti saya yang kurang gaul. 

Dari kalimatnya, missy mirip miss. Apakah sama? Ok, kita cari jawabannya.

Noun, Person, Informal

1) Term of address for a girl or young woman, often expressing affection or reprimand (informal). 
Istilah untuk memanggil gadis atau wanita muda. Seringkali untuk ungkapan sayang ya sobat. 

2) Slang for "miss", endearment, used often as a nickname, usually for a very outgoing hot young girl. 
Ternyata memang kata slang dari miss. Panggilan sayang yang biasanya untuk gadis muda yang ramah dan hot.

3) A petname used to/for a girlfriend, a crush, or a flirt.
Nama panggilan yang biasa digunakan untuk pacar (wanita) atau gebetan. Orang barat kan biasa pakai petname untuk panggil pacar. 
Petname is a name that is used instead of someone's usual first name to express fondness or familiarity. (Google translate)

And ‘Pinky’ is a name (more of a pet name , really) that both men and women choose or are given.
Contoh kalimat:
"You're in big trouble Missy!"
"Missy is awesome!"
"Hey Missy, can I take ya out tonight?"
"Good god Missy, you're looking gorgeous tonight!

Bagaimana sobat? Tambah wawasan ya. 

Source: Aaron Horrocks 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Rukun Iman in English

2/22/2017 02:57:00 PM 0 Comments

Di posting sebelumnya kita sudah belajar istilah rukun islam dalam bahasa Inggris. Nah, tak lengkap kalau kita tidak membahas juga tentang rukun iman. Rukun iman dalam bahasa Inggris disebut Six Articles of Faith.

Rukun Iman = Six Articles of Faith

Keenam rukun iman tersebut apa saja? Kamu pasti sudah tahu ya. Tapi fokus kita di sini adalah belajar bahasa Inggris dalam materi islam. Rukun iman yaitu beriman kepada :

1. One God (Allah) -- satu tuhan yakni Allah

The central belief in Islam, and arguably the most important theme of Islam, is that there is one God. The Muslim name for God is "Allah," which is Arabic for "the (al) God (Ilah)."

2. The angels of God -- Malaikat-malaikat Allah

Angels are a creation of God. They are purely spiritual and splendid beings that require no food or drink or sleep. They have no physical desires or material needs. Like other creations of God, Angels spend their time worshiping God. In contrast to human beings, Angels do not have free Will – they can only obey God and do not have the ability to disobey Him. Each Angel is charged with a certain duty. Angels cannot be seen by the naked eyes.

Angels in Islam are spiritual creatures that serve the purposes of Allah. They are messengers who relay communication to people and carry out other responsibilities. Angels, such as Gabriel (thought to be the same Gabriel as the one read about in the Christian New Testament), is mentioned in the Quran. Angels are often found in Islam art, revealing their importance to the Islamic worldview.

worshipping = menyembah
free will = kemauan bebas (kehendak sendiri)
spiritual creatures = makhluk gaib (roh)
Angel Gabriel = Malaikat Jibril
New Testament = Kitabnya orang kristen Perjanjian Baru

3. The books of God, especially the Qur'an -- Kitab-kitab Allah khususnya Al Quran

A Muslim believes in all scriptures and revelations of God, as they were complete and in their original versions. Muslims believe in the original scriptures that were given to previous messengers; for example David received the Psalms, Moses the Torah and Jesus the Gospel (Injeel). However, the previous scriptures do not exist today in the original form in which they were revealed.

The Quran is the most important writing in the religion of Islam and is the highest authority in both religious and legal matters. The word "Quran" means "recitation" in Arabic. Muslims believe the Quran to be an errorless record of the angel Gabriel's revelations to Muhammad, from 610 until his death in 632 AD. It is also believed to be a perfect copy of a Quran that has existed eternally in paradise.

scripture = kitab suci
revelation = wahyu
David = Nabi Daud
Psalms = Kitab Zabur
Torah = Kitab Taurat
Gospel (Injeel) = Kitab Injil

4. The prophets and Messengers of God -- Para Nabi dan Rosul Allah

A Muslim believes in all the Messengers and Prophets of God without any discrimination. All messengers were mortals, human beings, endowed with Divine revelations and appointed by God to teach mankind. The Holy Quran mentions the names of 25 messengers and prophets and states that there are others. These include Adam, the first Prophet, along with Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, the last of the Prophets (peace be upon them all). The key message brought by all Prophets was the same: to believe in One God and not to associate partners with Him, to stay away from sins and to lead a life devoted to earning God’s pleasure.

Muhammad is the most important historical and theological figure in Islam. His name, which means "highly praised," reflects this. Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570 AD. His father died before he was born and his mother died when he was six-years-old. Muhammad was then raised primarily by his uncle, for whom he worked as a shepherd.

Divine = Ilahi
Noah = Nabi Nuh
Abraham = Nabi Ibrahim
Ishmael = Nabi Ismail
Isaac = Nabi Ishaq
Moses = Nabi Musa
Mecca = Mekah
Sheperd = penggembala kambing

5. The Day of Judgment (or the afterlife) -- Hari Perhitungan Amal

The afterlife is very important to the Islamic worldview. Muslims believe in the continued existence of the soul and a transformed physical existence after death. Islam teaches that there will be a day of judgment when all humans will be divided between the eternal destinations of Paradise and Hell.

afterlife = kehidupan setelah mati (akhirat)

6. The supremacy of God's will (or predestination) -- Qoda dan Qodar

Islam teaches that God not only foreknows, but also foreordains all that comes to pass in the world and in the lives of individuals. 

A Muslim believes in the ultimate Knowledge and Power of God to plan and execute His plans. God is Wise, Just, and Loving, and whatever He does must have a good motive, although we may fail sometimes to understand it fully. The believer should have strong faith in God, recognizing that their own knowledge is limited and their thinking is based on individual consideration. In contrast, the Knowledge of God is limitless and He plans on a universal basis. Humans should think, plan and make sound choices and then put their trust in God. If things happen as they want they should praise God. If things do not happen as they want they should still praise God, recognizing that He knows best what is good for the affairs of mankind.

foreknow = mengetahui sebelumnya
foreordain = menentukan sebelumnya

Kalimat terakhir yang saya garisbawahi, saya suka kalimat itu. Benar sekali sebagai manusia, seringkali saya gagal memahami sepenuhnya bahwa Allah pasti memiliki motif yang baik (tujuan/maksud yang baik) kenapa sesuatu terjadi kepada saya. Karena rencana Allah itu tak mungkin meleset. 

Ok. Selamat belajar. Semoga bermanfaat.

Rukun Islam in English

2/22/2017 01:27:00 PM 0 Comments

Bagi yang sering membaca-baca artikel bahasa Inggris ataupun mendengar kajian dalam bahasa Inggris, pasti tahu ya rukun islam disebut sebagai five pillars of islam. 

pillar = selain diartikan sebagai rukun bisa juga sebagai tiang

five pillars of islam = 5 tiang islam = rukun islam

Hal ini dikarenakan rukun islam terdiri dari 5 hal seperti di bawah ini.

The 'Five Pillars' of Islam are the foundation of Muslim life:
  • Testimony/profession of faith -- Faith or belief in the Oneness of God and the finality of the prophethood of Muhammad; (Keyakinan atau kepercayaan akan keesaan Allah dan Kenabian Muhammad sebagai nabi terakhir). 
  • Prayer -- Establishment of the daily prayers; (Pendirian sholat 5 waktu)
  • Zakat -- Concern for and almsgiving to the needy; (Kepedulian dan zakat kepada yang membutuhkan)
  • Fasting -- Self-purification through fasting; and (Penyucian diri melalui puasa)
  • Hajj -- The pilgrimage to Makkah for those who are able. (Naik haji ke Mekah bagi mereka yang mampu)

oneness = keesaan
prophethood = kenabian
messenger = rosul
the daily prayer / 5 times daily prayer = sholat 5 waktu
almsgiving = zakat
fasting = puasa
pilgrimage / hajj = haji

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